An open letter to the Prime Minister Sri Narendra Modi – Haribhau Rathod

Date:- 16/2/2016


Hon. Shri Narendra Modiji
Prime Minister of India
Government of India

With Best greetings

Respected Sir,

As per recommendations of the Mandal Commission, the Central Government has granted 27% reservation to O.B.C. (Other Backward Castes). However, the benefits of the reservation are being enjoyed by only few castes. The Denotified tribes and Nomadic tribes as well as extremely backward classes are not getting any benefits of the reservation. Sir, Shri L. R. Naik, one of the members of the Mandal Commission had submitted a dissent note to the commission. The note is annexed to the report of the commission. Shri L. R. Naik has recommended that the 27% reservation granted to OBCs should be divided and separate reservation should be given to 1) Backward classes and 2) Extremely backward classes, The Hon. Supreme Court had indicated that the reservation granted to the OBCs should be divided in two or three categories. Hon. Justice Shri Venkata Challya, chairman of the committee for review of constitution, had submitted similar report to the Government. In the year 1968, a study group set up by the Planning Commission had suggested that the matter of giving separate reservation to the Denotified tribes and Nomadic tribes should be considered. Shri Ayyiangar, chairman of the committee for enquiry of Criminal Tribes Act, had made similar recommendations in his report. The parliament repealed the Criminal Tribes Act on 28/2/1952. Shri Shripal sing, a MP from Bihar suggested to the Government that the Denotified tribes and Nomadic tribes should be given separate reservation and separate budgetary provision should be made for them. Since then, 64 years have lapsed. A national level conference of OBCs was held in 2005 under the chairmanship of the then Union Minister for social justice Smt. Meera Kumari. A resolution regarding the division of reservation was passed in that conference. In the year 2006, the technical advisory committee appointed under the chairmanship of Dr. Ganesh Devi suggested to the then Prime Minister Dr. Manamohan Sigh that the reservation of OBCs be divided and the Denotified tribes and Nomadic tribes should be given separate reservation. I myself had submitted a private bill in the parliament that a separate schedule for Denotified tribes and Nomadic tribes (SDNT) should be prepared along with the schedule for Scheduled tribes. However, unfortunately, all these recommendations, reports and bills are gathering dust somewhere. Nobody knows where. The government does not have a mechanism to look after this matter. This is a fact. Ho. Justice Shri Venkatachallya, chairman of committee for review of the constitution, had recommended constituting a commission to go through all these reports and make suitable recommendations to the government. The then Bharatiya Janata Party government agreed to all these matters. Hon. Shri Gopinath Mundeji, the then home minister Hon. Shri Lal krishna Advaniji, Shri Pramod Mahajanji and Shri Dada Idate, present chairman of commission for Denotified tribes and Nomadic tribes and also Hon. MLA Shri Prakash Shedge took special efforts and the commission for Denotified tribes and Nomadic tribes was constituted. On 20/1/2004, a huge rally of Dhangars (Shepherds) was organized at Pandharpur (Maharashtra State). Nearly 5 lac people attended the rally. The then Prime Minister Hon. Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayeeji announced in the rally that the government has take a decision of constitution of a commission for Denotified tribes and Nomadic tribes. Lord Vitthal was witness of this announcement. Then we were awaiting separate reservation in line with reservation given in Maharashtra. However, Renke Commission did not understand the background of the issue and also did not understand my stand. Instead of recommending division of only OBCs, the commission recommended division of ST and SC also, along with division of OBCs. Hence this issue remained pending and the recommendations of the Renke Commission were of no use. Now, Hon. Justice Shri Eashwaryya (Chairman of Backward classes commission) has made a very revolutionary recommendation to the Central and State governments. These recommendations must be accepted; otherwise the time will not forgive us.

Your honor is hereby requested that the report dated 2/03/2015 and recommendations of the Backward Classes Commission be accepted and implemented immediately and social justice be given to about 666 castes of Denotified tribes and Nomadic tribes and about 540 extremely backwards castes.

In the year 2004, the then Prime Minister Hon. Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayeeji announced in the rally of dhangar (Shephards) held at Pandharpur that the government has take a decision of constituting a commission for Denotified tribes and Nomadic tribes. Lord Vitthal was witness of this announcement. The main object was of division of reservation of backward classes. This was principally accepted by Shri Gopinath Mundeji, Shri Lal krishna Advaniji, Shri Pramod Mahajanji, Shri Nitnin Gadkariji and Shri Vyankayya Naiduji. Hence Renke Commission was constituted. However, in the year 2008, the recommendations of Renke Commission could not be implemented because the Government did not have statistics of castewise population at the time. Now as per act of 2001, castewise census has been conducted and the government has statistics of castewise population. Hence kindly the recommendation of National commission for Denotified tribes and Nomadic tribes be implemented immediately, so that the Denotified tribes and Nomadic tribes, twelve balutedars Barbars, khati, wadi, butchers, ironsmith, carpenter, goldsmith, tailor, washerman and Oilman, gardener, fisherman, govari, shepherd, banjaras, Kahar, Kashyap, Pal, Baghel, Rajbhar, Prajapati Kankali, Sapeara and other castes shall get social justice. This decision shall benefit about 40 crores extremely backward people.

Awaiting Social Justice since last 20 years

Haribhau Rathod

Ex- MP and Member of Legislative council, Maharashtra
Mobile No 9920716999

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Tag: Letter to PM Narendra Modi-India