Origin of Jadhav Wadatiya Clan
The Naiks of major Tandas gathered for the meeting. Naga Baba was specially invited to attend it. Everybody had faith in Baba. Baba listened to the whole episode and fined Pandav Prasad for 1 rupee. From that rupee Prasadam was brought and distributed to all and thus the sour happening was converted into a sweet moment. Baba fixed the marriage and asked the juries to fix date for the same. The juries sat under a banyan tree. Baba proclaimed that the clan of the girl Gujari and boy Bhanuprasad would henceforth be identified by the name Vadatiya. At that moment a crow sitting on the tree was giving a call. Baba said that the crow would henceforth be treated as a relative of Wadatiya. Therefore the Wadatiyas are now teased on this relationship. The marriage of Gujari and Bhanuprasad was celebrated with lot of enthusiasm according to Labhan tradition. At that time the Labhan women sung the following song to tease Gujari.
“खांदे धोती हाते लोटी, गंगा नाहेन चाली गुजरी चाल गुजरी ये, ये बामणांसी कु राजी”
Meaning: Gujari has now become a Brahmin. She is going to take bath in the Ganga River with a cloth (Dhoti) on her shoulder and a container in hand. Oh, Gujari! How did you choose a Brahmin boy? How come you are ready to start the family life with him?
In this way one clan was added to Gorvamsha. Wadatiya Jadhav, Pawar, Rathod and Chavan are considered as main clans. Wadatiya (Jadhav) is considered as Brahmin. All these legends are reflected in Banjara tribes. Wadatiya also regard this legend as universally accepted. The story is transferred orally from generation to generation in Gors. Geru was available in abundance on Aravali Mountain and is still found there. There is a reference regarding the traditional rights of sages and saints on the Geru found in mountain in the book ‘Raj Gharanonki Hindi Sewa’ by Rajkumari Kaul. Also references regarding Nagaswami residing in the region, his permission to Labhans for the trade of Geru and that Labhans were engaged in the trade of salt, geru and dry fruits are available. Nagaswami and Gors might have been having good relationship. References towards Nagaswami are found in the folk songs e.g.
गुरु बाबा, सदा सदा तु जाण नागा पुरेरो नागा स्वामी, स्वामी छ आब धुत ये पेना रेतेते डोंगर खोळो, आब आये तांडमा वे आज मारो बाबा खुपराजी तामराजी भिमराजी हाँ जी गुरु । तारी मोलीया रे । रंगी लाल गुलाल बालाजीन चोपडे लाल गुलाल
A ritual called ‘Vadai’ is performed during the marriage ceremony. A mark is made on the arm of the boy with a hot object. The lobes of ears are pierced with needle. At this time the Guru’s advice (Gurumantra) of Nagaswami is given to the boy.
कोळी आवे कोळी जावे, कोळी माही जग समावे… धोळो घोडो हासलो, पातळीया आसवार… मुंगे आवड मोगरा, तल्ली आवडा बाण… गुरु बाबा, सदा सदा तु जाण…
A coin of 1 rupee is given to the groom prior to his embarking for marriage and when he returns from marriage ‘prasadam’ bought from the rupee is distributed to all. I did not know about this Gurumantra for many days. After listening to this legend I came to the conclusion that this very Swami might be the Guru. The Naga Baba gave these people a chance to live a humane life.
पेना रेतेते डुंगर खेळा, अब आये तांडेमा
They regard Nagaswami as their reigning deity since he was instrumental in bringing valuable transformation in their life. Gors highly regarded the importance of this Guru. That means the legend must have been based on a true encounter. Interested persons may like to delve more into this legend.
Annexure II
Folk Literature and Folk Songs
Number of Couplets sung on the occasion of taking each other’s leave while giving farewell to the Haveli girl. In a way a series of couplets are exchanged among the relatives.
Vadai ritual song:
पेलो नाम आद गुसांई, से लिजो, जले रो जायो कल नीपज्यो। दुजो नाम सुरजयारो लीजे, तीजो नाम चांदरीया रो लिजो, चांदण रात सुनावणी। चौथो नाम म्हारा, महेल्या (इंद्र) रो लीजो, जले रो जायो। वरसो ठंडी बुंदरो। पाचमो नाम माता धरतीरो लीजो, जलेरो जायो उपजो हरिया मुंग। छवो नाम म्हारो भेसळ रो लिजो, जले रो जायो। समन्दर धोक घर आइयो। सातलडी नाम मारी हातणींरो लीजो, जल रो जाये पेहराये चुडलो। आठमो नाम म्हारी सासडलीरो लीजो, जले रो जायो, पेरणों पातळो। नोवडली नाम मारी मावलडी रो लिजो, मावडली रो जायो, मोबी विरेणा* दसमो नाम म्हारा घोड लियारो लिजो, डालेरो जायो घोड लिया ग्यारवो नाम गावडीरों, बारमो नाम हांहा करे नायकेरो लिजो बसती आनंद करे।
Meaning: Vadai means a song for giving the blessings. Gors worship the 5 elements (Panchamahabhoota). They take name of one element at a time and praise it. Then they recall names of father, mother, mother-in-law, brother and sister and even the horse used for battle and in the end praises the name of the Tanda Naik so that there is happiness everywhere in the community.
[Rajasthani – Gujrathi]
Ordinary Dance-cum-Dialogue Song:
Two-three women dance in circles with their hands up in the air and giving claps to each other on the occasion of marriage and Teej festivals.
आल हाले पाल हाले, किलीम……. आल हाले होली हो हो….जो … जो .. बुडीया डकार मारे सारी झूलर हाल हाले। हेली मचरयीयो….ढुंगो फेर रयीयो….आल….हेली चा.. हो हो .. बार वाट जाती चोळारी फळी खाती। चोळारो डोळा तुटो, सासुरो डोळा फुटो। हेली मचरयीयो… ये आम खावे जाम खाव…. खावे कची केली, खातु खातु….. तरस लागी वत खोदो वेरी…..हेली मचरयी यो…… ये भुकीयारो छोरा ये भुकीयारो छोरा, भूकीयारे छोरा रो डेबरासो पेट…. असी मारी लातडी तो कलस जाये पेट…. हेली मचरयी यो…. ये वडत्यारी छोरी ये वडत्यारी छोरी, वडतीयारी छोरीर घुरलेस गाल ओन तापड मारू चार,ओर गाल करु लाल….हेली मचरीयो ……[Mrs. Manjula Rathod, Mrs. Durga Rathod, Khandesh]
The meaning of the words is not important but the rhythm and sounds are important like in the case of children song.
Soong Dance Song:
The dancers get tired due to dance. In order relieve then with a bit of humour and small play called ‘Soong Kadher’ is performed. Two women wear robes of unmarried girls and one woman wears male robe and present the Dialogue-cum-Song.
बारे बा, नवीन निकलो पोरो, अब मारी सगाई करो… आचोस देकस बापू, करार देये वाळो। बारे बा… जेर मांई निकलो, हुँडा मांगे वाळो, बारे बा… भगवान करम लकायो, मारो गरीबी माईरो। बारे बा… आचोस देक बापु, नवकरी वाळो। जेर मांई निकलो, साठा तोडे वाळो। भगवान करम लकायो, मारो करवंदा तोडेरो… आचोस देक बापु, साडी पेराये वाळो। भगवान करम लकायो, मारो घुंघटो काढेरो… आचोस देक बापु, सूट बुटे वाळो। जेर मांई निकलो, धोती पेरे वाळो… कोनी चुको बापू मारे करमेरो टाळो… जेर मांई निकलो, धोळी दाढी वाळो भगवान… आचोच देक बापू, डीपी कल्ला वाळो जेर मांई निकलो, हात ठोके वाळो पतिराज कोणी करू म संसार, चालीम माहेर द्मद्मद्म
Meaning of Words: Poro – new generation, Kerar – Custom of dowry, Phetiya – Ghaghra (Shirt), Karvanda – a wild berry.
A song to describe beauty on the occasion of Holi:
घुमर घमाळो मारवाडणी तारो, घागरीया ये द्मद्मद्म तारे कडीया लळक लंबी डोर द्मद्मद्म थोडा थोडा देकु तारो, जवानीरो मरोड, तारे देहरो मरोड। जानी जवानी पर घर दो दिन की रे द्मद्म तारो नेणेरो भाव, मारो जीव ललचाये, रे मन धास तार लार घमर घूमर घुमावो…….. आजो दौडी दौडी, छोरा मारवाडी चुंदडीरो गरारा मार फेरी मार फरारो नार, सुन्दर फर होटो देखचरे [Mrs. C.M. Rathod, Dhulia]
Meaning: Oh! Beautiful girl of beautiful Marwad, you have a huge Ghaghra, swinging and filled with air. Your thin waist is like a rope touching the ground. O! Marwari lady, let us see how beautiful you are. Do not take pride in your youthfulness; it won’t last long. I am restless to see the expression in your eyes. My mind is engrossed in you as like your air-filled Ghaghra. Come fast, run, I also belong to your region only. Your headgear is flying on the air. It is playing with the air without care. Come, let us run and see…
Holi song from Madhya Pradesh: Pilibhit Barliye
पिळी भित बरेलीये, पदमणी जलम लियो, तारो बाप गरड पकियो, नगरीरो राज कर। तार माय पदमणीये, रूम दाण दळ, बेठी बेठी झरोकाये, यारून कन कर…पिलीभीत काये को होका ये, काडी की चि चलम बनी….., चांदकी होका ये, रुपेकी चलम बणी। तारो होका सठक रोये चकडी, चलम बनी पिळी भित गेरीयारी जाळूंवाये, पर्णिया डगर चली…. ओन आंग मळे खेली यार पिळी भित… पगला रपट पडो…हात पकड पडो छोडी छोडी सहेल मारो हात, सिरपर दो घगरी…. गिरी अब कु छुटन जाय, गेरीया गज पकडी… हातणासु घुम ये, आल भेली चाल चल मसरूरो फेटीया ये गोरी तोन आदल खल…पिळी भित…
Meaning: Padamani was once living in the Pilibhit Bareli region. His father was guarding a fort. He was a king; your queen mother would look after the whole city. And you, beautiful Padamani would sit in a window and call your lover. He was afraid to come to Rajbhavan. Sundari made a hookah (smoke pipe) of silver for him. But he is more in love with the Sundari who looks like a hookah. After knowing this Sundari comes out of the house on the pretext of fetching the water. She slipped as he (at the same time) grabbed her hand. Now, how you will free yourself? Your skirt of Mysore (Masuro) is looking beautiful.
Reference on Pilibhit: The reference of Pilibhit Bareli in the folk song denotes that Gors must have been related to this region. Dr. Mahesh Gupta has given a reference to this effect in his book ‘Loksahitya Ka Shastriya Anusheelan’: ‘Hafiz Rehmat Khan changed the name of Pilibhit to Hafizabad. Therefore it is clear that prior to this development the name of the region was Pilibhit. And Dalpat Kshatriya Banjara was ruling over the region.’
A village was situated in the North of Pilibhit city. Banjaras were living here and Piriya was their Sardar (Chief). He was responsible for the creation of Pilibhit (page 46-47). The Madho Tanda is still settled at the origin of a river in Pilibhit Bareli area (page 53). This folk song substantiates the fact that Gors might have ruled over this region.
Holi Song (Madhya Pradesh)
झक जाय लोलेणा बोडल झेंडा रोवियो द्मद्म झक जाय लोळणा गोरी तो चाली ओर मायेर….. खेलीरे चूंदड छोड छबीलेम ।।धृ।। झक जाय लोळेणा, गाडी मंगातु रुण झूनेरी, काही जोडी दरादु माळवे, की दो खेलीर द्मद्मद्म झग जाय लोलेणा, गाडीरी टूटू डायी पिंजणा, वोरे धूरडारे टूठो डावो सिंग, खिलारे जोडी खेलीरे द्मद्मद्मद्म झक जाय लोळेणों, नदी नरमदा चाली भरपुर। कांई कुंकर लंगीया परली पार खेलीर.. झक जाय लोळेणी, नावाडय़ा केंबु मारो भाईडा। काहीं हमेन लंगाद, परली पार खेलीरे…. झक जाय लोळेणा, आजेरो वासो वाळु रेतेम काहीं सवार लगादु, परली पार खेलीरे… झक जाय लोळेणो, रांधे खरादु झिंगा माछेळी। वोड सवारू झिमरा जाळ खेलीरे… झक जाय लोळेणा वरली तो पारस पिपरी काही परली पार, ओरी डाळ खेलीरे… झक जाये लोळेणा, मार कसाटो गोरी चढ गयी… काही जा उतरी पार, खेलीर काही झिमरा रियो, पसताय खेलीर… [Mrs. Manjula Rathod, Shri Mansingh Rathod, Talegaon]
Meaning: The marriage girl is now prepared to go her parental place. Malwe type of oxen has been engaged with a cart, which makes a rhythmic sound of its bells. The wheel of the cart got stuck in the sand of Narmada River. The horne of Dhur was also broken and the cart was grounded in the sand. Then a boatman was called for help to cross the river. He became excited when he saw the beautiful girl and some sinister thoughts came to his mind. He asked to halt for the night there saying that he will make arrangement for dinner. And tomorrow I will take you across the river. But the girl understood the gravity of the situation and goes to the bank of the river. She saw a branch of a big tree going across the riverbed. She fixed up her skirt and climbed the tree and crossed the river with the help of the branch. The boatman felt ashamed to see this.
Request Prayer:
On the occasion of worshipping goddess of the clan or Jari Mari Ori Samanat ritual a goat is sacrificed after a request prayer. The sacrifice is given in the name of a concerned person.
जय जय……भगवती माता पिता तुछी बापू/याडी….. झकड झोड हजार, कोसेर संकट टाळ… पापी पाखंडीन दूर, कर भूंडेन टाळ। भूत सेर भेट कर,
Meaning: The life is full of miseries. Remove the miseries so that they should not come across in our way again. Keep the sinners away and we should not see their face. Always keep us in the company of the religious, brave and generous. Bless everybody according to his or her wish. The one who asks for food give him plenty of it. The one who asks for money, fulfill it. And those for child bless them with a son to keep the lineage live. All animals and living beings be blessed by you and peace be there in every household. Please answer our call whenever we recite your name. Accept my request in your holy temple.
Holi Song – Lengi
काळी सामळी सुरत, बनजारी रसिया काळी सामळी …….र……. ये काळी सामळीन हसलो खलचरे, ये ओप गोप खलच, झोकनारी काळी सामळीन… हे काळी समाळीन मुंगा खलचरे…ये काळी सामळीन… ये काळे सामळेन धोती खलचरे. काळे सामळेन…… ओन हातेमाई ला खलचरे, काळे सामळेन… ये कोळे सामळेन पगडी खलचरे, काळे.. पगडी, ओप छुंगला रळख रसिया, काळे सामळेन.
Meaning: The Banjara is darkish in skin colour. A silver necklace around the neck of a darkish girl is adding to her beauty. The design made on this necklace is looking beautiful. And the darkish colour of the girl glows more. The Munga (beads) necklace around the neck of the darkish girl is (also) beautiful. If more cheed (beads) are added to it the neck will look more attractive.
The dhoti of the darkish male is looking beautiful. If he (also) has handkerchief in his hand then it adds to his attraction. The turban on his head befits him. If a feather is attached to the turban he will look more attractive. Such are the beautiful girls and boys of Gor Banjara tribe.
Holi Song – Payee
धोती तो वाळो भाई छ हमारो। धोती तो वाळो… उतो भुरिया वाळीन रे रसिया रस लेगो। लेगो लेगो रे…, झोलेम बलान रसिया रस लेगो। धोती तो वाळो………….. वु तो, वाकडी वाळीन रे, रसिया रस लेगो लेगो रे रुंगळीम बलान रसिया रस लेगो वाकडी वाळी तो रे, गेरणी हमारी… उता गेरीयारी लालची रे… गेरणी रस लेगी.. लेंगी लेगीरे खुळीयांम बलान रसणी रस लेगी..
This is a love song in which no names are mentioned but the ornaments are referred to only. ‘The boy wearing the dhoti is our brother. This brother of mine took a girl with a ring in her nose far away in the jungle. It is quite natural; a man with penchant for beauty will certainly take pleasure of it. The one with a silver ring in his wrist is also our friend. He saw a girl wearing Wakadi on her feet. He is hiding with her in a nullah and nowhere to be seen. The girl wearing the Wakadi is also interested in young men. The girls take such men to a secluded place and enjoy the life.
A Night (Holi song)
चांदा चबजो रे, रात अंधेरी करजो र, चांदा चबजो र.. चांदा सरकी चांदणी चारोळी सरकी रात रे…चांदा चबजो र.. आदि आदि रात टिटोडी का ये बोले, उतो औरे धणींरो धाक वताव रे, टिटोडी जब ओरो रसिया आंगळेमा आयो…. उतो भस, उठो काळो कतरा…चांदा चबजो र… सिलेäý पाळे टकडा खरादु कतरा आवळंदरे मारो रसीयाँ, दिकारी कुतीया, चांदा चबजो र…. जब ओरो रसिया दामणीम आयो। उठ पडो रे मारो पापी डोळीया, चांदा चबजो र… खडकेरो पुळीया, खरादु डोळीयो, आवळंदर मारो रसिया, दोगी डोळीया हुँसी डोळीया। जब औरो रसियाप लंगा कन आयो उतो खास उठोरे बुडो डोकरा, चांदा चबजो र… मालवा रो हुका परादु डोकरा, नसाबी डोकरा…. आवळंदरे मारो हुँसी रसिया, चांदा चबजो रे….
Meaning: A fiancé is requesting the moon to hide himself tonight somewhere so that she can meet her loved one. The stars are equally shining brightly. This long starry night will become black now. You better hide somewhere, only then I can meet my loved one. Her beloved comes to her place. A bird (Titihari) is chirping in the night but her call is considered as bad omen. How she is making the sound? The beloved thinks that perhaps the husband of her fiancé is asleep. Does the bird want to show threat through the calls? Still he reaches her house. Now a black dog started barking. The fiancé is also eager to meet her man. She says to the barking dog, O my clever dog, let my beloved come in. I will give lots of sweets. When her man reached near her home then an ox named Doliya got up in haste. The girl requests the ox also that she will provide him with good fodder but let her man in. When the man came near to her bed the old man coughs loudly. The girl requests him also. O, old man, you are just in nature. I will bring high quality tobacco, pipe, hookah and ganja for you but let my loved one come near to me.
Holi Song – Payee
चटकीरो पेरणों, आचो छ ये गोरी ये… चटकीरो पेरणों आछो छ ये… चट चट वाजे चटखी, कुण पेराये चटकी। चटकीरो पेरणों आचो छ ये गोरी चटकी। वाकडीरो पेरणों आचो छ ये… छन छन वाजे वाकडी कुण दरायो, वाकडी। दोसत्या दरायो वाकडी, नाचेन चाली वाकडी। वाकडीरो पेरणों आचो छ ये गोरी ये… घुगरीरो पेरणों आचो छ ये गोरी ये…. कुण पेराये घुघरी, लटा माईरी घुघरी गाले परेरी घुघरी, चुमलु घुगरी काने कनेरी घुगरी घुघरी रो पेरणों, आचो छ ये गोरी ये।
Meaning: Oh, Girl! Who gave you the ornaments Wakadi, Chataki and Ghunghri? They are making sounds with your every movement. Wearing the Chataki in toes is a good sign. You should always wear them. Wakadi that you have put on looks great, who bought the Wakadi for you? The bells in your Wakadi are making ‘Chhan Chhan’ sound as you walk. When you dance with it I feel great. You should always wear Wakadi. It is a good sign and looks beautiful too. The Ghunghari ornament also looks great on your body. The Ghungari woven in your hair, the ghunghari near your ears and the ghugari on your cheeks! I wish, I could kiss the ghugari. You should always wear these ornaments.
Holi Song – Lengi
Two groups sit in circles and sing this song on the beats of the drum. The leader of the group sings first and others follow him.
चारोळी पाटेरी गेरणी, फेटीया सिडाईरú ।।धृ।। फेटियान झालर लगाई रसिया माई नकरार… माई नकरा, कतराक मारू चकरा माई नकरा…. तिकेò नाकेरी गेरणी काचळी सिडाईर….काचळीन मंडाव बसारी रसीया। माई नकरा…. भाई नकरा, कतराक मारू चकरा भाई नकरार….. काळी पिळी रंगेरी गोरी ओढणी सिडाईर….काळी काळी ओढणीन घुंगटो लगाई रसिया,माई…… कतरा देकु नकरार, मारू चकरा…….
Meaning: All people in the Tanda wear new clothes on the occasion of Holi. Men and women are attracted towards each other’s robes. The girl (gori) has put on a red coloured mixed skirt. It has a beautiful border. What is in her mind for wearing this skirt? I get upset with her walking style. Her behaviour makes me upset. She has put on a triangle-shaped blouse. Due to it her bosom is visible. She has put on Mandar (an ornament) to hide them. What all these signs tell? She has a head-cloth in black and yellow colour. A designed face cover is attached to this cloth. Small mirrors on this face cover are shining. I just can’t bear all these beautiful signs. What should I do? I don’t know! The robe and ornaments she wore on the Holi occasion are simply inviting me!
Holi Song – Payee
दुधिया तळायम भाजी चीलवारी तोड तोड भाजी खोळो भर लाई। तारे साथेरो खोळो भर लायो। तु का ठालो आयो रे गेरणीरा लोभी…. दुधिया तळायम।……
Meaning: A vegetable named Chilawa has grown in abundance in a lake called Dudhiya. But you have not brought it. You had gone with the girl to the lake but did not brought the vegetable. Don’t you think you should have brought the vegetable? You are just after the girls. You were just wondering with her. Now I know why you returned with empty hands.
Payee Song:
खेळत काकरा मारो रे, बामण को लडका खेलत काकरा मारो रे, बाण को लडका काकरा मारो तो, भलो काम किदो. आकी कसेन मारो रे, बामण को लडका। आकी मारो तो, भलो काम किदो. कन कसेन बलायो रे, बामण को लडका। कन बलाय तो, भलो काम किदो. हात कसेनच पकडो रे, बामण को लडका। हात पकडो तो भलो काम किदो. बकडी कसेनच भरो रे, बामण को लडका। बकडी भरो तो भली काम किदो. येट कसेनच पाडो रे, बामण को लडका येट पाडो तो भली काम किदो टांग कसेन वटायो रे, बामन को लडका।
Meaning: The girl was hit with a stone while playing. I had nothing on my mind and so also you. Then why did you wink? No problem if you wink, but why did you drag me near to you? Okay, but why caught my hand? Let it that be, why you took me in your arms? Further you made me lie on the ground and what did you do by grabbing my both legs? Was it fair?
Payee Song: Addressed to the one rupee coin:
चाल रपीया तीन, पोसद ले जाऊ। वो रुपीयारी, तीन वाकडी दराऊं। वाकडी घाल तारे टांगेरे वडी। उजी तारे जांगेरे वडी तार टांग आयेद मारे हातेरे वडी गोरी ठळंको मत मोड घडी ये घडी….गोरी ठळंको.. चाल रुपीया तीन हाटडी ले जाऊ वो रपीयारी, तीन लोवडी दराऊ। चुडी दरान चुडी घाल तार हाथेर वडी लोवडी ओढ तु तांडेरे भाई, उजी गामेरे माई उजी मायीरे वडी, तार हाथ आयेद मारे खवीयारेवडी गोरी ठंळको मत मोड घडी ये घडी…. तारो घुंघटो नाक मारे माथेरे वडी ते….चाल रपिया तो हासलो दरादु…..
Meaning: The lover makes promises but does not bring any thing from the market. Hence his fiancé always complains to him. She always cries. He never says a word and addresses to the 1 rupee coin. He says, come on rupiah, I will take you to Pusad city. I will bring a Wakadi ornament with it for her. She will wear the Wakadi on her legs or elsewhere. You may wear it on your legs but let your legs be in my hands. Put on the bangles on your wrist but let me in your arms. Hide me in your face-cover but don’t cry unnecessarily. Oh, rupiah let us go to market. I will bring the Chunari from the rupee. She will wear the Chunari and wonder through the whole Tanda and the village; but will not cry deliberately. Oh, Rupiah, come, let us go to market. I will bring a necklace for my loved one. She will be very happy with me then. Then I will tell her not to cry unnecessarily. Stop this nonsense of yours. (Continued…)