Sandesh Chauhan Bhiya, a volunteer, a leader and a role model for every Gor youth who really wants to do something for our Gor Samaj.
Sandesh Bhiya is the first person in GorSikwadi and our Gor Samaj who has devoted his entire life for GorSikwadi and Gor Samaj.
Sandesh Bhiya was born in a wealthy family, his father was working as a Forest officer in Maharashtra government and his uncle was working as a Senior Police Inspector in Mumbai Police department.
Sandesh Bhiya was brought up in Mumbai, he has done Master of Commerce from Mumbai University, after study he started to work as a Professor in one college and parallely he was also working on his PHD.
In earlier days in 1998-2000 GorSikwadi Nayak Shri Kashinath Ji Rathod was conducting Cadre camps to tell about our Gor culture, our social responsibilities and how can we do PayBack to society. Sandesh Bhiya has attended one of the cadre camp and after that everything has changed for Sandesh Bhiya, for him it was like he got the answer, “Who am I, and what I want to do in my life”.
Sandesh Bhiya has decided to work full time in GorSikwadi and decided to devote his entire life for GorSikwadi and Gor Samaj. From year 2000 to till date Sandesh Bhiya is working in Tanda’s/ Cities/ States for development of our community.
On Sandesh Bhiya’s footstep, three more people ( Vilas Rathod, Arun Chavan and Sugriv Rathod) has devoted their entire life for GorSikwadi movement.
Hats off to Sandesh Chauhan Bhiya 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼