SRI BHARATH BANJARA SEVALAL SENE (R.) Organised 3 Days “YOUTH LEADERSHIP TRAINING CAMP” for Banjara community youths & elected representatives from 11 to 13th September 2015 under the guidance of Sri. RAVI SHANKAR GURUJI at art of living centre, Bangalore. About 2000 youths across the state and few from other states are participating in the camp. It’s unique and first of its kind in the banjara history. The aim of camp is to training them about leadership qualities, personality devolopment & make them to aware about how to make use of all government and non schemes and facilities for the improvement of THANDAS
Programme initiated and organised by G . ASHWATH NAIK president .
Dr. D. Paramesha Naik
Prograssive thinker.