International Roma Banjara Organisation (IBRO)
Founder President: D. Rama Naik
The International Roma Banjara Organisation (I BRO) is a public Trust dedicated completely to Academic Research and cultural activities combined to explore and establish the historicity and contemporary issues of Banjara and Roma communities spread around the world.
It is very well established that the Romas of Europe and the Banjaras of India are historically and culturally linked to India. There’s a wealth of evidence — linguistic and genetic studies indicate that Romas originated on the Indian subcontinent. The Romas are said to be descendants of groups in India like Dom, Banjara, Chauhan, Gujjar, Sikligar, Dhangar, Sansi etc. and other nomadic groups from North West India.
A group of like minded people have come together to establish this charitable Trust with a broad focus mainly on Education, Culture and Livelihood.
The main objectives of the International Roma Banjara Organisation is based on three broad objectives combined with the related activities to achieve the goals set by the Trust. Perhaps this is the only organization established to address the issues of an international community spread across two continents.
The three main objectives of the Trust are;
To EXPLORE history and cultural heritage of the ethnic community living in two different continents and strengthening of the cultural roots of Roma/Banjara community; to explore ways and means to provide Human Rights and Fundamental Freedom for all those who believe in cultural tradition of Banjara/ Roma Community; To develop and mobilize Community and Natural Resources to give the right direction to people of the marginalized and economically weaker section of the Community for their sustainable overall development. conduct research studies on the social – economic conditions of Banjara/Roma Community people with a view to involving ways and means for their development with in their social historical frame works and to seek promotion of rural development such as provision of drinking water, rural industrialization, as well as Public Convenience for the people of the Community.
To EDUCATE the population of the Roma – Banjara community on issues like providing right direction to people of the marginalized and economically weaker section of the Community for their sustainable overall development: to work with special concentration for the Child & Women Welfare of Community; to promote charitable values, literature, science, art, education and culture amongst the Community.
To EXCHANGE the outcome ofresearch studies on the social – economic conditions of Banjara/Roma Community people with a view to involving ways and means for their development with in their social historical frame works and to seek promotion of rural development; to conduct/organize student/community exchange program for education, language and culture purpose between India and other parts of the world amongst Banjara/Roma community.
To achieve these broad objectives the Trust will make use of all possible tools judiciously by employing experts in the field and also by adapting the suggestions and ideas offered by an advisory body constituted for the purpose. It also seeks institutional support and public donations keeping its activities by conducting n total transparency and public scrutiny.
The Trust incorporates tested delivery models across its planned interventions to engage the targeted population with the support of its nation wide network of committed and dedicated scholars and activists. Like minded Partnerships and stakeholder engagement shape the social development execution plan of the Trust. Governments, Corporate, Civil society, Cross section Communities are among Trust’s partnered stakeholders. Trust believes that the combined efforts of the cohort partnerships and stakeholder engagement shall provide the required impetus for achieving an enduring sustainable social development impact.
he International Roma Banjara Organisation is committed in its objectives as enumerated in its tag line- to Study , Document and Conserve The Language, Art, Culture, Education and Social Harmony of Banjara – Roma Community