सिंधू सभ्यता से चली आ रही बंजारा हस्तकला ये पुरानी हस्तकला है…इस नष्टप्राय होती गोरमाटी/बंजारा हस्तशिल्प को बचना के लिए मै बीस साल से काम कर रही हुं .मेरे साथ 982 महिला काम कर रही है.पंतप्रधान नरेंद्र मोदीजी जी ने इस कला को बढावा देने के लिए हमे अर्थसहायता की ,हमे प्रोत्साहीत किया .ये बात हमारे गौरव की बात है. तो इस कला को बचाने के लिए पुरी ताकद और उत्साह से हम फिर तय्यार है.
Feeling proud to be a women on occasion of women’s Day.

Vijaya Shriram Pawar belongs to the Banjara community. Having seen her relatives and other Banjara women in the hamlets making the traditional embroidered articles, Vijaya got an idea to sell these articles in the markets. Thus, she approached some women of the self-help groups (SHGs) actively functioning in the Banjara hamlets of the area. With the guidance of KVIC, currently, Vijaya is working in 99 Tandas (hamlets) of four Talukas (blocks) of the Beed district. A total of 982 women artisans who are also members of 90 SHGs are working with her. Many of them are earning Rs. 150 to Rs. 225 per day which is much higher than what they had been receiving in wage while working as agricultural labor. She has become a role model for the women in her community. #KVICforWomen #Entrepreneurship #WomensDay #SheInspiresUs